Estrella production facilities are headquartered in Ettingen, Switzerland. Our location nearby Basel, Switzerland ensures ideal conditions for logistics, quality, and supporting infrastructure.
Two separate production lines, namely piping (40,000 parts/year) and large Apparatus (400 pressure vessels/year) are completely independent from each other in terms of equipment and qualified personnel. Our production equipment represents the latest state of the art technology:
Manufacturing devices for producing our own enamel
- enamel melting equipment for 30T/year
- slurry production with 4 ball mills for preparing 12 kind of different slurries
- research laboratory with test furnaces and devices for 100% testing of the glass production and development of new glasses
Manufacturing devices for piping production
- Computerized turntables with robotic feeds
- Automatic drilling machines
- Automated Welders for:
Full wire
Core welds
Submerged arc welding - automatic metal saws
- 4 horizontal Furnaces with 200 to 400 kW power for pipes up to 10 ft. length
- 2 blasting plants
Manufacturing Equipment
- Automated Welders for:
Full wire
Core welds
Submerged arc welding - Cylinder rolling machine for Plates up to 30mm thickness and 3 meter width
- Warm extruding device up to 600mm Nozzles on 30 mm plates
- Numeric gas cutting machine with 4 Heads
- Chamfering machines for weld preparation
- 1 blasting plant
- 1 vertical Furnace 2000 KW (for lining items up to 4.5meter L) + 1 vertical Furnace 1500 KW in planning
- 5 cranes (5t – 25t)
- 28 heat resistant firing devices enabling tolerances that are twice as good as DIN norms.